/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
TallyPrime, a complete business management software, now comes with an e-Invoicing (Fatoora) solution that will help you generate and manage e-Invoicing with ease. From generating e-invoices instantly to storing and keeping track of them through the e-invoicing report, we have taken care of every little detail to bring you the most delightful experience
Electronic invoicing, known as e-invoicing, is a concept that aims to change the process of issuing paper invoices and notes to an electronic way of invoicing. The concept requires businesses to generate and store electronic invoices and notes using compliant e-invoicing software or any other electronic system.
e-Invoice generated from TallyPrime
Whether you are a business already using TallyPrime or just brought Tally, all you need to do is follow 3 simple steps to start e-invoicing.
With a one-time setup, you can start generating and printing e-invoices within seconds. All you need to do is enable, record and print. TallyPrime’s will take of the rest.
Enhance your business operations with the all-new TallyPrime. Don’t just take our word for it. Experience the product to truly feel its power and transform your business. We’re sure you’ll fall in love with it! Call 800 2442559 for any queries
An invoice that is generated in a structured electronic format using software or any other electronic mean. A paper invoice that is converted into an electronic format through copying, scanning, or any other method will not be considered an electronic invoice.
Online cash registers, virtual cash registers on tablets, e-invoicing software installed on a computer, e-invoicing software installed on the phone or tablet, and cloud-based solutions are examples of e-invoicing systems.
Yes, e-invoice will be implemented in 2 Phases. The first phase is the generation phase that requires businesses to generate and store electronic tax invoices and notes using compliant e-invoicing systems. This is followed by the integration phase, in which e-invoicing software or systems used by businesses will be integrated with ZATCA.
The first phase starts on 4th December,2021. The second phase is expected to start from 1st January,2023.
Accounting or ERP software that comes with an e-invoicing solution helps you generate, store, track and manage e-invoices as per the guidelines issued by the authorities.
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Saudi VAT Return Format, What is Time of Supply under VAT Saudi Arabia, Export of goods to Non-GCC countries from Saudi Arabia, How should VAT records be maintained in Saudi Arabia
VAT invoice in Saudi Arabia, VAT invoice format in Saudi Arabia, Types of invoices under VAT in Saudi Arabia, Simplified Tax Invoice in Saudi Arabia, Checklist for VAT invoice in Saudi Arabia, How to Generate e-invoices Instantly, Supplies Covered Under e-Invoicing in Saudi, How Phase-1 of e-Invoicing System Work, Date & Implementation Phases of e-invoicing (Fatoora)
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The 2nd Phase- Integration phase of e-invoicing in Saudi Arabia
FAQ on 2nd phase of e-invoicing
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