/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
All the businesses registered under Bahrain VAT are responsible to collect VAT at 5% on the supply of taxable goods or services. The VAT so collected from the customers should be paid by the supplier to the Nation Bureau for Taxation (NBT). In this article, we will discuss about VAT Payment Due date and Method to calculate the VAT payment.
VAT payment in Bahrain VAT should be accompanied by the VAT return. A taxable person should submit a tax return using the NBR’s online portal and make the payment of the VAT due by the last day of the month following the end of the tax period.
For example, for tax period Jan-Mar 2019, VAT return along with payment of VAT should be made by 30th April,2019.
Also, the taxable persons should ensure that payments are made in proper time for it to be received by the NBR on that day. If there are no transactions to be reported in a given tax period, a taxable person should still submit a nil return showing no output or input tax and subsequently no VAT payment.
While the VAT registered businesses are required to pay the VAT, it doesn’t imply that one has to pay the entire amount of VAT collected on sales. The law has prescribed the method to arrive or determine the VAT payable to the government.
The following is the formula to arrive the VAT payment to the government.
VAT Payment = Output VAT – (minus) Input VAT
All you need to do here is to calculate your total Output VAT collected during the tax period and total Input VAT which you are eligible to recover. Once you have determined the Output VAT and Input VAT, apply the above formula.
If your output VAT is more than the input VAT, the difference will be the VAT payable. If output VAT less than the Input VAT, it will result in refundable and therefore, no VAT payable.
The Output VAT and Input VAT of Rose General Stores is given below
Output VAT |
BHD 300,000 |
Input VAT |
BHD 200,000 |
The VAT payment of Rose General Stores is determined by adjusting the Output VAT with Input VAT as shown below:
Output VAT BHD 300,000 – (Minus) Input VAT BHD 200,000 = BHD 100,000 is VAT payable which need to be paid to the government.
Read more on Bahrain VAT
VAT in Bahrain, VAT Invoice in Bahrain, Vat Return in Bahrain, VAT Return Format in Bahrain, How to file VAT Return under Bahrain VAT, What is VAT and how does it work in Bahrain, VAT Rates in Bahrain, Tax Invoice Format in Bahrain, Simplified Tax Invoice Format Under VAT in Bahrain, VAT Return Filing Period, Checklist for Tax Invoice in Bahrain, Tax Identification Number (TIN), Important terms under VAT in Bahrain, Administrative Penalties Applicable in Bahrain VAT, Expenses on Which Input Tax Recovery is Blocked, Input VAT Deduction under VAT in Bahrain
Read More on Bahrain VAT Registration
VAT Registration Deadline in Bahrain, VAT Registration in Bahrain
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