Tax Identification Number (TIN), also known as ‘Tax Registration Number’ (TRN), is a unique number issued by the tax authority to the business who have successfully obtained VAT registration in Bahrain. In Bahrain VAT, businesses with a value of supplies in the last 12 months exceeding BHD 37,700 or it is anticipated to exceed BHD 37,700 in next 12 months should mandatorily register. Also, if your annual value of supplies exceeds 18,850, you can choose to register voluntarily under Bahrain VAT.
To know more about VAT registration, please read our article ‘Who should register under VAT in Bahrain?’
Vat registration is yet to be stated and shortly, it will be announced by the tax authority. Once the details and documents required for VAT registration are submitted, and on successful verification, the tax authority will issue a unique tax registration number known as ‘Tax Identification Number’. In short, it is called ‘TIN’.
On receiving Tax Identification Number (TIN), it is an authorization to businesses to charge and collect VAT at 5% on their taxable supplies. Apart from the above, the business registered under VAT needs to pay the VAT and submit the VAT Returns at defined intervals. It could be a monthly or quarterly basis. During such filing activities or any other communication with the tax authority, you need to mention TIN through you will be identified or recognized.
Let us understand the importance of TIN with the help of faqs.
Q. How to obtain Tax Identification Number (TIN)?
A. You will receive a TIN on successful completion of your VAT registration.
Q. Has VAT Registration in Bahrain Started?
A. Vat registration is yet to be started and shortly, it will be announced by the tax authority
Q. Who will issue the VAT Identification Number?
A. The Tax Authority of Bahrain will issue TIN after successful verification of your registration application.
Q. What are the documents in which the Tax Identification number should be mentioned?
A. The TIN number should be mentioned in the following documents:
Q. Is it mandatory or optional to mention the TIN number in the above documents?
A. Yes, it is mandatory to mention Tax Identification number in all the documents as prescribed by the Law.
Q. How many digits does the TIN number consist of?
A. We expect it to be 15 Digits. However, we are waiting for clarity from the tax authority.
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